DIB Digital Trends Report 2015_EMEA Part 2

In part 2 of reading through the Digital Trends Report for 2015, The next part has to deal with the areas of digital related business.  The big surprise to me is how high social media engagement ranks on this list.  Multichannel campaign management is still not receiving its rightful mindshare in organizations.  At 22%, this area should be right up there with targeting and personalization, it is that important.

I find these next responses fascinating.  The difference in this year and the next 5 years, especially in the area of multichannel campaign management is perplexing to me.  This is the age of campaign management and the respondents are thinking 5 years out.  That boggles my mind.  I do like that respondents are thinking customer experience is the most important item, but that is more of a culture change compared to the other items.  All the other items support the customer experience.  The fact that customer experience is viewed as a tactic or strategy is why I think this item will be talked about for years to come.  Multichannel campaign management, personalization, big data and content marketing are items that will enhance the customer experience, so these items are all striving for the same goal, to deliver relevant content to customers to enhance their experience.

This part of the study is a little perplexing to me.  Organizations want to enhance the customer experience, but there very little is being done in the area of geo-targeting.  Only 24% have this in their 2015 plan or are already using this technology.  For brick and mortar operations, this is the most exciting technology to me.  Using this in conjunction with multichannel campaign management is the ultimate targeted marketing.  

Even if the uses of this technology are just to enhance the data about customers, organizations should be implementing this technology sooner rather than later.  The ability to understand the behaviors of your customers in store and communicate with them if they exhibit certain behaviors is no different than how a customer behaves on a website.  Digital marketers have been enhancing their strategies on customer buying funnels on the web for years now, but not enough are jumping at the opportunity to do the same thing in brick and mortar operations.  

A good sign is importance organizations are putting in the cross channel journey of their customers.  The top 2 answers are what make up a big part of the customer experience.  The clear, concise message, regardless of the channel is the key to the ultimate customer experience. 

This is probably the most concerning part of this survey.  Most companies want to make customer experience across channels their number 1 priority, however the data is still an issue with most companies.  Only 37% of the companies feel they have the ability and the infrastructure to capture and act on the data.  

In the new age of marketing, data is the first and most important step in the marketing strategy.  Without laying a data framework to capture and properly analyze, the ultimate customer experience will be nearly impossible to implement.  Companies to focus on the data as much as the culture of being customer centric.  These two items go hand in hand.    

Digital Trends for 2015 | Digital Marketing

Simon Morris writes:

More than 6,000 mar­ket­ing, and ecom­merce pro­fes­sion­als around the world took part in this year’s Dig­i­tal Trends sur­vey, which has been by far our largest response since we launched this annual survey in 2012. Thanks to all of the con­trib­u­tors who took the time to provide their per­spec­tive. I’m pleased to say the 2015 Dig­i­tal Trends report is avail­able now to download.

I can't wait to dig into this report and green some insight on what marketers are seeing.  I suggest downloading and perusing yourself.  

Per­son­ally, what makes this report inter­est­ing to me, is not just the trends but the insight into how a com­pany needs to adapt to cap­i­talise on these new trends. Two aspects are key here: Strat­egy & Cul­ture. As seen with the emergence of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence as an over­ar­ch­ing dri­ver, we aren’t talk­ing about small shifts in your mar­ket­ing organ­i­sa­tion, but the con­scious deci­sion to develop and align your activ­i­ties with the goal of cus­tomer expe­ri­ence at the heart. How­ever, strat­egy change with­out cul­ture change is inef­fec­tive, to quote Peter Ducker ‘Cul­ture eats strat­egy for break­fast’.

These are concepts I have been writing about the last few days here and here.  Adapting to the "mobile first" shift in the consumers, organizations have to change their culture and structure.  The companies that will be successful in the next 5 years will be ones that adapt to these changes in their organizations, to put the customer first and align the organization around customer experiences instead of functional duties.

Source: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitaleurope/perso...