FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver Explains Why We Suck At Predictions (And How To Improve) | Fast Company

When human judgment and big data intersect there are some funny things that happen. On the one hand, we get access to more and more information that ought to help us make better decisions. On the other hand, the more information you have, the more selective you can be in which information you pick out to tell the narrative that might not be the true or accurate, or the one that helps your business, but the one that makes you feel good or that your friends agree with.

This is a great article on using data and predictions.  I just bought this book as a good friend of mine suggested it is a great read.  I always hear "You can make numbers tell whatever story you want."  Ain't that the truth?  So many times colleagues of mine hold on to a certain part of the data that tells the story they want to tell and soon it becomes truth, however this only helps them look good instead of moving the business forward.  
