The Macalope Weekly: Hard lessons to learn | Macworld

“Android tablet revenue surpasses iPad for the first time (but not the last)” (No link, but tip o’ the antlers to … well, John Koetsier!)
Profit is a trailing indicator. And in the big picture, the overwhelming tide is to Android, in device diversity, in device quantity, in usage, in sales volume, in revenue.

This is a very interesting take on profit, especially in the tech industry, especially in hardware.  The times where hardware vendors have had a dominant position in market share, they have all either gone out of business or the businesses have been destroyed.  

To say profit is a trailing indicator is an insane comment.  The only way to keep a competitive advantage in hardware is to make a profit.  To gain market share usually comes at the expense of profit and is short lived.  R&D, customer service and quality of product are all things that suffer under the weight of large market share.  The only sustainable business model is consistent profits.  Sounds a lot lille Apple. 
